The funnel is part of the little horse that goes into the horse's mouth, resting on the mouthpiece in a sensitive interdental space where there are no teeth. A spokesperson may be the most important determinant in the severity and bit action. Some spokespersons are not allowed in the clothing competition.
The other part of the bit is the bit ring on the snaffle bit, and the calf is on the curb. These pieces do not enter the mouth, but the parts of the bit that are outside the mouth, where the bridle and the control attaches.
Video Bit mouthpiece
Design concept
Custom funnels do not specify bit types. Often, bit with a funnel, such as single or double-jointed bits, is not exactly called a snaffle - a term that describes a bit of direct action rather than a bit of leverage, not a funnel. Although some funnels are marked as "severe" and others as "light," these are all relative. Heavy racers can make even the most uncomfortable, and skilled light riders can ride with a much louder mouthpiece without damaging the mouth or causing horse trouble. In addition, bit types have a major impact on funnel action. Snaffle is generally considered the lightest, curbs and the hardest gags. It is difficult, therefore, to compare the more rugged types with lightweight funnel (such as pelham with mullen rubber mouth), and slightly mild-type with louder funnel (such as snaffle with slow twist). In general, however, funnels can have noticeable differences in severity. Snaffle with crooked cable is never considered lightweight, while pelham with a low port is possible. In short, many factors in the bitting equation should be considered to evaluate the action and the severity of the bit.
Different types of metals or synthetic substances are used for bit funnels, which can determine how much a horse ejects saliva or otherwise tolerates little; horses that have a wet mouth are considered more relaxed and responsive. Commonly used metals include stainless steels and nickel alloys, which are generally non-corroded and have a neutral effect on saliva; iron, aurigan and copper, which generally tend to encourage saliva, and aluminum, which are considered to dry up and are not recommended as a funnel metal. Synthetic funnels can be made with or without an internal metal cable or a rod amplifier. Rubber bits are generally thicker than metal bits, but other types of plastics are also used, often of the same size and taste.
Maps Bit mouthpiece
Bits without Connections
Straight-bar and Mullen's mouth
Bit Type : All types.
What is it : the funnel is a straight rod of material, without a connection or port. In the mullen's mouth, the bar has a slightly bent, soft curve to allow some space for the tongue.
Action : A sweet mouth and a straight rod are almost identical in action, placing pressure on the tongue, lips, and stems. The mullen provides extra space for the tongue, instead of continuing to push into it, generating more tongue help, and making it more comfortable, but the mullen does not have as high a port as the curb, so it does not offer full tongue help. This bit is generally regarded as a very light funnel, though this varies according to the type of lever bits (snaffle, pelham or pavement), and improper use can make it rough, since most bit presses are applied to sensitive tongue.
Materials : Rubber is very common, as are other synthetic materials. Stainless steel is also a favorite, but copper and iron are not as popular as that.
Usage : Seen on all horse riding activities, though less frequently in dress. Usually not so popular for snaffles or jokes like bits that use leverage (pelham, kimblewick, and sidewalks). The straight rod is common in the stallion bits in hand.
Variant : A slightly variant between the mullen and low port, seen mainly in the west journey is called a "sweetwater" a bit and is a very wide, low-curved little port rather than a mullen that offers full tongue relief, putting pressure only on the bars, and is primarily used as a roadside funnel. Spades and "half-breed bits also have a straight funnel, but with the addition of ports, spoons, or other equipment, and thus are not really classified as mullen or straight bar funnel."
Bit Type : All types, including drive mits.
What is it : The center of the funnel has a "port," or curve, which can vary in size from "low" to "high". The port differs from the mullen's mouth where the curved portion does not extend the width of the funnel, but only an inch or two in the center of the bar.
Action : Ported bits act on the lips, tongue, and mouthpiece, and can apply extra pressure to the bar. The port action is directly related to its size. The low port gives the help of tongues, similar to mullen's mouth, as they provide more space. The larger port presses on the hard palate (the mouth of the mouth) when the control is pulled, acting as a bullet point, and the pressure transfer to the bar. Recent research shows that ports should be 2-2.5 "(5-6Ã, cm) or higher before touching the hard ceilings. Thus the lightest port height is not always the lowest port portion, as is generally believed, can also be The highest port may be that does not contact the hard palate.
Materials : Always metal, often made of stainless steel, but can also be iron or bronze.
Usage : Very uncommon on snaffes and jokes (though it can be found). One of the most common funnels in pelhams, Kimblewick, and curbs. Very popular in Western discipline. Jointed/single-jointed Jointed/single-jointed
Type of Bits : Very common in snaffle bits, but seen in all bit families including Kimblewicks, pelhams, gags, and curbs.
What is it : the funnel has one connection in the middle. It "ruptures" upward toward the mouth with direct pressure, and comes out toward the front of the mouth when used with pressure from a slight shank.
Actions : single-jointed funnels exert pressure on the tongue, lips, and stems. Because the V-shape of the bit when the funnel is contracted, it causes the "peacock" action, which has a pinch effect on the stem. It also causes a slight connection to push into the sensitive roof if used roughly. One-bit jointed with a curved funnel having a more "U" shape tends to lower the pressure on the roof of the mouth.
Materials : often made of stainless steel, but can be made of any metal (both copper and iron are equally popular), happy mouth material, or have rubber coverings on each connection.
Usage : This is one of the most common mouthpieces found on snaffles, and is popular for all horseback riding.
Caution : Curb bits with one joint are often called cowboy snaffle , Argentine Snaffle , or Tom Thumb snaffle. However, all these bits actually curb the bits because they have shanks and operate with leverage. Thus, when control is withdrawn, horses are subjected to both the nutcracker action of the jointed funnel and the leverage of the sidewalk, which also causes the jointed bits to rotate and squeeze onto the tongue. Therefore, such bits can be very loud, especially in the hands of an inexperienced rider. Adding a solid "slobber bar" at the end of the shank can reduce, but not eliminate, this problem.
Double jointed bit
Double-jointed bits reduce the nutcracker effect because they are more in line with the "U" mouth of a horse instead of a "V" made by one joint. In this case they are lighter, and many horses prefer multiple connections over a single connection.
Many double jointed bits (especially the French connection and Dr. Bristol) are sometimes "added to" by rotating the funnel canons. This increases the bit severity, because this cannon acts directly on the tongue and the bars in addition to the regular action of the bit. Therefore, a relatively "good" French mouth may turn somewhat worse when the cannon is twisted or if the funnel is inserted into the gag. All references below are based on fine, non-twisted cannons.
French/French French link
Bit Type : snaffle, gag, pelham, sidewalk (including the drive bit)
What is it : the funnel has two connections due to a central link. This link is usually flat, short and has round angles shaped bones. Some French links are not flat, but rounded in the same way as the rest of the funnel. Flat links are light when dangling on the tongue, but the edges can put pressure on the tongue if the full version of the cheek with the guard puts the link at an angle. Rounded links do not have this action
Action : One of the lightest funnel, because the two joints reduce the effect of the nut breaker found in single jointed bits, and encourages relaxation - apply pressure to the lips, tongue, and mouth of the mouth
Substances : Usually stainless steel, as well as brass (either just a link or a whole)
Use : Generally seen on snaffle, rarely in jokes, pelhams, or curbs. This is one of the most popular funnel for dressage work. However, it is used in many disciplines of English style. It is rarely used in Western-style disciplines.
Dr. Bristol
Jenis Bit : snaffle, gag
What is it : the funnel has two connections due to a central link. This link is flat, but longer and more rectangular than French links. This is also usually set on a bit angle to the bit field. The inventor, J.S. Bristol, supposedly has become a dentist.
Action : The double bundle reduces the nutcracker effect found in single jointed snaffles. However, the middle link is relatively skewed to bit sided pieces. As a result, the thin edge of the middle link can press the tongue, creating a very small bearing surface. When Dr. Bristol is used full, bits can be rotated so that the middle joint tilts lies flat with wide sides to the tongue; when used in this way, the bit is relatively light. This latter method is possible only because the bit guard ensures the bits remain in a fixed position in the horse's mouth, and thus bits that do not use the beet guard (eg, D-rings or eggbutt) do not have this lighter option.
This bit can put pressure on the tongue, although it also adds pressure on the bars and lips of the mouth. It contains a double-jointed funnel similar to a French link, with the center of the flat plate. In its original form, the plate was meant to be across the width of the horse's tongue. Bristol insisted that these bits were meant to be comfortable for the horse because the center plate would be flat on the tongue, thus lowering the pressure.
The act has become a topic of controversy with many popular texts describing it as a cruel act due to the orientation of the edges of the plates to the tongue. Academic research has clarified this claim, suggesting that crude action occurs when bits are placed into the mouth so that the feature angle, as defined from the left-side view, is 45 Â °. In this sense the bit may be used in two different ways, one such that the plate is flat to the tongue and 'light' (FA = -45 Â °) and the other such that the plate is located on the edge to the tongue (FA = 45 Â °) and 'rough'.
Substances : Usually stainless steel, as well as copper.
Use : Generally seen on snaffes, very rarely in jokes. This bit is seen in many English disciplines, but it is not used in Western disciplines. Rare in clothing because of its potential severity. Laws for use in the United States, but are often not allowed in any approved Dressage competition in other countries. Seen in many disciplines of jumping.
Ball joint
Jenis Bit : snaffle
What is : Similar to French links, unless there is a rounded "ball" in the middle link.
Action : dual connection reduces the nutcracker effect. The ball tends to focus the pressure on the tongue. Worse than French links, less than Dr. Bristol. Also apply pressure on the lips and the bars of the mouth.
Substances : Usually stainless steel
Use : A slightly rare type of funnel, seen in English language disciplines. Allowed in dressage.
Ported links
Type of bits : snore
What is it : Double jointed bits are similar to French links, except the middle link has a slightly upward curve (toward the roof of the mouth), like a port.
Actions : Actions are similar to French links, but may provide more space for the tongue.
Segunda broken
Bit Type : snoring, usually with Dee-ring
What is : Same with ported-out links, except middle links are much higher and make U clear "upside down".
Action : Should encourage the horse to soften and keep light on the reins. However, the bottom of the letter "U" can be very sharp, and can dig into the tongue until cut it. Therefore, they should be submitted to skilled riders with very light contacts.
Multi-jointed bits
Bits with more than two joints tend to wrap the lower jaws of horses. In general, they are considered more severe than multiple double bits. These bits are not allowed in dressage.
Jenis Bits : snaffle, pelham, gag, trotoar
What is it : the funnel is made of 5-9 joints and is very flexible.
Action : Due to the large number of connections, waterford has many bulges, which can act as a pressure point. The idea is that great flexibility makes the horse reluctant to lean on it.
Substances : Stainless steel.
Usage : Most common in English language disciplines, especially featuring jumps and events. Used mainly on a strong horse. Not allowed in dressage, not commonly used in horse riding chairs. Somewhat rarely in pelham, very rarely on the roadside.
Chain mouth
Bit type : gag, roadside
What is it : As the name suggests, these funnels are some chain links.
Usage : Seen in Western discipline.
- Note: There are several bit chains made of bicycle chains rather than link chains. These bits are considered by most horsemen to be too heavy to use and many categorize them as cruel. These bits are not allowed in the competition.
Twisted/jagged bits
All crooked mouthpieces are considered heavier than a smooth funnel. In general, they are not suitable for novice riders or those with rough or unskilled hands. Neither this nor its bits should be used until the point where they cause bleeding in the horse's mouth.
If a rider believes that a little will benefit his horse, he must first see his own animal training and skills. Many problems can be solved through proper training, not from stronger persuasion. Typically, less skilled riders find the need to use bolder harder, because they can not control their horses in anything else.
Nevertheless, in some cases, skilled riders can use the bits to their advantage and improve horse training. These bits are not allowed in dress competitions, and are generally not used for school gown horses.
Slow turns
Jenis Bit : Snaffle, pelham, gag
What is : A funnel (usually one-jointed) with a little twist on the cannon. Thicker and with fewer turns than wire, having fewer edges than bottle opener.
Action : The ledge causes the resulting edge as a pressure point on the horse's mouth. Increases pressure on the tongue and grating, also acts on the lips. Generally considered strong and quite severe.
Substances : Usually stainless steel
Usage : Most commonly found on snaffle, quite rare on pelhams and jokes. Usually seen in English discipline. No allowed in dress competitions.
- Note: Slow turns are often incorrectly used to refer to bottle openers or wires. These bits are not the same.
Bit Type : Snaffle, drive bit (restriction)
What is it : The spokesperson (usually single jointed) has many rounded sides. However, it is actually not a "corkscrew" in form, but rather has more "screw-like" spokesmen with blunt edges. Thicker than wire, thinner than slow spin.
Action : The edges strengthen the pressure on the mouth, especially the bars and tongue. Considered heavy.
Usage : Most are seen in English-language disciplines, and in driving. Not allowed in dress.
- Note: This name is often used incorrectly to refer to slow or slight wire rotation. These bits are not alike.
Single Turn Cable
Jenis Bits : snaffle, gag, trotoar
What is it : Spokesperson is a one-jointed bit made of a piece of thinly cut wire for each connection.
Action : The wire bits are very severe. Not only is it very thin, but has a bend in it that causes a pressure point.
Materials : Stainless steel is preferred for English, iron and copper disciplines seen in Western disciplines.
Usage : The cable is crooked very severe. Not allowed to dress. It is more often seen in Western disciplines than English, although the discipline of jumping sometimes displays the wire. These bits are for a strong horse that pulls or takes off, and those who have a "hard" mouth. Should only be used by skilled riders with soft hands. Some people do not use these bits because they believe they are cruel, although many trainers agree that they are appropriate in certain situations with a particular horse.
- Note: Wire bits are often mistakenly referred to as slow spin or bottle openers. These bits are not the same.
Double crooked wire
Jenis Bits : snaffle, gag, trotoar
What is : The bits have 2 funnel, each with a single joint and made of crooked wire.
Action : Both connections strengthen the action of the nutcracker. The wire makes the mouthpiece thin and sharp. These two funnels cause extreme pressure on the bars. This bit is very very severe, and should only be used by skilled riders with soft hands. Some people do not use these bits because they believe they are cruel.
Substances : Metals, usually stainless steel but also iron and copper are sweet
Usage : No allowed to dress. Very severe, used on very strong horses.
Mouth of chain saw
Jenis bit : snaffle
What is it : As the name suggests, the funnel is made of a chainsaw.
Usage : Very severe, and very unusual. Most coaches will not use a bit. Note: due to extreme severity, most of the equestrian organizations do not allow this in competition.
Double mouth/scissors/"W" or "Y" mouth
Jenis Bits : snaffle, gag, trotoar
What is it : The bit has two mouthpieces, one jointed each.
Action : Both connections strengthen the action of the nutcracker. They also cause extreme pressure on the bars. This bit is very very severe, and should only be used by skilled riders with soft hands. Some people do not use these bits because they believe they are cruel.
Substances : Metals, usually stainless steel but also iron and copper are sweet.
Usage : No allowed to dress. Very severe, used on very strong horses.
Hollow mouth
Jenis bit : snaffle, pelham, gag
What is : A funnel (usually single, but not always) potholes in the middle, making it very light. The funnel is usually thicker than average.
Action : Thick and hollow funnels spread the pressure, considered making it lighter. However, this effect varies with the structure of the individual horse's mouth. Some horses prefer a smaller diameter in their mouth because their mouth has no room for thick funnel, and in such cases a hollow mouth can cause slight discomfort.
Bits bit
Cricket, cherry rollers and other rollers
Types of bits : snaffle, sidewalk, gag, pelham
What is : A cricket is a single roller placed inside the port of the curb bit. usually containing copper, often producing crunching sounds or like "cricket-like" when the horse moves it.
The cherry roll has several rollers along the funnel and may be made of steel, copper, or alternatively between them. The spokesperson can be connected or straight.
Action : Rolls should help the horse loosen its jaw and receive little. They encourage saliva and may also calm the nervous horses or provide a way out for nervous tongue movements. The roll does not affect the bit severity.
Usage : Crickets are very common in western road bridges, especially certain Spanish and California styles such as spades, half breeds, or salinas and legal funnels for western fun competition. The cherry rolls are mostly English-style, but are not allowed in dressage.
The Magenis
Types of bits snaffle
Bit ring type : Usually eggbutt or loose ring.
What is : The Magenis is a single-jointed bit with "rolls," or a structure like a bead that may rotate, in his mouth. The funnel was squared.
Action : Rollers should activate the horse's tongue and help the horse relax and receive less. Rollers can also help distract a nervous horse. The edge of a square funnel creates pressure points, making it a bit heavy.
Usage : Visible in English discipline, not allowed in dressage. A little unusual.
Bit button
Jenis Bit : snaffle
What is it : The funnel center has a short "lock" that extends from it, which can be moved on bits. The key lies on the tongue, under a bit.
Action : The key should encourage the horse to relax, as the horse plays with them in its mouth. Widely used for solving young horses.
Tongue/tongue correction tongue/tongue port
Type of bits : usually snaffle, sometimes pelham
What is it : A flat piece of rubber that slid in the mullen mouth, or a piece of metal that already has a flat part in the center of the funnel. A wide flat piece and back and forth in the mouth.
Usage : the purpose of this bit is to prevent the horse from licking its tongue. This can be useful in retraining, and for the horse that is this habit. This is because it gives the rider more control. Not allowed in dressage.
Funnel Thickness
A standard 3/8 inch diameter funnel, measured one inch from the bit ring (the area that normally comes into contact with the bar). The common belief is that the thin funnel increases the bit severity, as it reduces the bearing surface and makes the bit "sharper." However, to some extent, some horses perform better with thinner funnels to the thicker because there is less metal in their mouth and therefore more room for the tongue. This is mostly true if the rider has a soft hand. The thinner funnel is also better when using double bridle, because the horse even has little room for the tongue with two bits in its mouth.
On the other hand, very thin bits (such as bits of twisted wire) have a marked severity over bits thicker. Some wire bits may have thicknesses as low as 1/16 inch, making it very very heavy to the point where it is easy for the rider to cut and damage the horse's mouth, especially the lips. Many horsemen, even the most capable riders, will not enter a hole in their horse's mouth. Many horseman organizations do not allow a bit to be 1/4 inch or thinner in diameter.
If the rider provides crude oil assistance, it is generally better to choose a thicker funnel. This may also be true with some horses with relatively thin bars.
Spokesman's Material
- Stainless Steel : Most popular material for bits. Powerful, easy to clean, and not corroded. This is regarded as a neutral metal that does not encourage or reduce saliva. However, the chrome and nickel used in most stainless steels may dry out.
- Copper : Warms quickly, but does not last as long as stainless steel. Should have encouraged the horse to salivate and receive little. There are some people who refuse to use pieces of copper because they believe they are not liked, and that is the reason why some horses chew them so easily. Because these bits run out quickly, they should be checked regularly to ensure they maintain their integrity.
- Copper alloy : by combining copper with a harder metal, a little longer. In horse equipment, the most common copper alloys are:
- Brass alloy : The most commonly used copper alloy in beets is brass, made by combining copper with zinc. The two common brass alloys used in bits are Aurigan, a patented copper alloy, zinc and silicon. Another cheaper version is copper, zinc and silicon alloys with nickel or aluminum.
- Silver nickel or German silver : Copper alloy with nickel and sometimes zinc. More common on a bit shank or as a silver substitute in a decorative element on a saddle or bridle.
- Sweet iron : actually cold-rolled carbon steel: easy to rust, which drives saliva from horses and receipt of bits. This metal is used in many western equestrian disciplines, and is not popular in driving in the UK.
- Nickel alloys : Actually alloy steel, cheaper than stainless steel, but durable. May dry up, but less than aluminum.
- Aluminum : Considered a bad choice for the funnel because it tends to dry the mouth and may be toxic. Sometimes seen with cheap western style bits and generally avoided. However, it can be durable if made properly, and not expensive.
- Rubber : soften bit action. All rubber is very soft, but easy to chew and crush. Bits that add rubber to the underlying metal funnel last longer, but the rubber should be replaced periodically. Waterproof self-sticking latex lartifying products called Sealtex are often used to add rubber to metal.
- Synthetic : A number of hard plastic are used for a little design, incorporating rubber softness with more durability. The best is not easily crushed by chewing.
See also
- Bridle
- Bit (horse)
- Ring bit
- Bit shank
References and external links
- Bit Gallery
Source of the article : Wikipedia