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Jumat, 01 Juni 2018

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ORANGE JUICE fresh fruit juice 100% natural Pulp no preservative
src: eepo.in

Orange juice is a liquid extract of citrus fruit, produced by squeezing oranges. It comes in several different varieties, including orange blood, orange navel, valencia orange, clementine, and tangerine. As well as the variations in citrus used, several varieties include different amounts of vesicle juice, known as "porridge" in American English, and "watery bits" in English English. These vesicles contain orange juice and can be left in or removed during the manufacturing process. How juicy these vesicles depend on many factors, such as species, variations, and seasons. In American English, the name of the drink is often abbreviated as "OJ".

Due to the importance of oranges to the Florida state economy, "juice obtained from adult oranges from Citrus species sinensis and hybrids thereof" was adopted as Florida's official drink in 1967. Orange juice (along with grapefruit juice) is offered to each visitor in each of five Florida State Welcome Centers. Commercial orange juice with long shelf life is made by drying and then rehydrating the juice, or by concentrating the juice and then adding water to the concentrate. Before drying, the juice can also be pasteurized and oxygen removed from it, so it needs additional spice packaging, which is generally made from citrus products.

The health value of orange juice is debatable: it has a high concentration of vitamin C, but also a very high simple sugar concentration, comparable to soft drinks. As a result, some government nutritional advice has been adjusted to encourage substitution of orange juice with raw fruit, which is digested more slowly, and limits daily consumption.

Video Orange juice


During World War II, American soldiers refused the lemon crystals of vitamin C because of their unappetizing taste. So the government is looking for food that will meet the nutritional needs of the soldiers, have the desired taste, and prevent diseases such as scurvy in the transportable vitamin C products. The federal government, the Florida citrus department, along with a group of scientists wanting to develop excellent products for canned orange juice (which is the current orange juice on the market in the 1940s) and develop frozen orange juice. Unfortunately the frozen orange juice developed three years after the war ended.

In 1949, an orange juice processing plant in Florida produced more than 10 million gallons of orange juice. Consumers are captivated by the idea of ​​concentrated canned orange juice because the price is affordable, tasty, comfortable, and packed with vitamin-C. Preparation is simple, dilute juice, add water, and stir. However, in the 1980s, food scientists developed a fresh juice known as being prepared back to serve juice. Finally in the 1990s, "not from concentrate" orange juice (NFC) was developed and gave consumers an entirely new perspective on orange juice that turns the product from a can into freshness in cardboard.

Maps Orange juice


A serving of fresh orange juice, for 248 grams or 8 ounces, contains 124 mg of vitamin C (& gt; 100% RDI). It has 20.8 g sugar and has 112 calories. It also supplies potassium, thiamin, and folate.

Orange juice contains flavonoids (especially in pulp) that may have health benefits. Orange juice is also a source of hesperidin antioxidants. Because of its citric acid content, orange juice is acidic, with a typical pH of about 3.5.

Orange Juice Bottle 10 oz
src: foodservice.treetop.com

Commercial orange juice and concentrate

Frozen concentrated orange juice

The commercial squeezed orange juice is pasteurized and filtered before it is evaporated under vacuum and heat. After removing most of the water, this concentrate, about 65% heavy sugar, is then stored at about 10 ° F (-12 ° C). Essence, Vitamin C, and oil extracted during the vacuum concentration process can be added back to restore taste and nutrition (see below).

When water is added to freshly liqueed orange juice, it is said to be reconstituted.

This product was developed in 1948 at the University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center. Since then, it has emerged as a commodity product, and futures contracts have been traded in New York since 1966. Options at the FCOJ were introduced in 1985. From the late 1950s to the mid-1980s, this product had the largest market share of orange juice, but Juice non-concentrate goes beyond FCOJ in the 1980s.

Not from the concentrate

The pasteurized orange juice and then sold to the consumer without being concentrated is labeled "not from the concentrate". Just like the "processing of the concentrate", most of the "non-concentrate" processing reduces the natural taste of the juice. The largest producer of "not of concentrate" uses a production process in which juice is placed in aseptic storage, with oxygen released from it, up to a year.

Eliminating oxygen also removes flavoring compounds, and then produces added flavor packets in the final step, which Illustrated Cooks magazine describes as containing "highly engineered additives." The packaging packaging formula varies by region, as consumers in different parts of the world have different preferences related to sweetness, freshness and acidity. According to the citrus industry, the Food and Drug Administration does not require the contents of spice packaging to be itemized on the product packaging.

One of the common components of flavored packets is ethyl butyrate, a natural aroma that people associate with freshness, and which is removed from the juice during pasteurization and storage. Cooks Illustrated sent juice samples to independent laboratories, and found that when freshly squeezed juice naturally contains about 1.19 milligrams of ethyl butyrate per liter, commercially processed juice has levels as high as 8.53 milligrams per liter..

Canned orange juice

A small portion of freshly canned orange juice. Orange juice can keep Vitamin C much better than bottled juice. However, canned products lose taste when stored at room temperature for more than 12 weeks. In the early years of canned orange juice, the acidity of the juice caused the juice to have a metal flavor. In 1931, Dr. Philip Phillips developed a flash pasteurization process that eliminates this problem and significantly increases the market for canned orange juice.

Unpasteurized fresh juice

Fresh, unpasteurized juice is the closest to consuming the orange itself. This juice version consists of oranges being squeezed and then bottled without additives or flavor packs inserted. Juice is not pasteurized. Depending on the storage temperature, freshly pasteurized and unpasteurized orange juice can have a shelf life of 5 to 23 days.

Brand of large orange juice

In the US, the big orange juice brand is Tropicana Products (owned by PepsiCo Inc.), which has almost 65% market share. Tropicana also has a large presence in Latin America, Europe, and Central Asia. Competing products include Minute Maid (from The Coca-Cola Company) and Florida's Natural (a Florida-based agricultural cooperative that distinguishes itself from competition by being locally owned and using only oranges grown in Florida; Tropicana and Simply Orange using domestic mix and foreign stock).

In Australia, the Daily Juice (owned by National Foods) is the main brand of orange juice that is partly fresh and partially preserved.

In the UK, major orange juice brands include Del Monte and Prince.


Some manufacturers add citric acid or ascorbic acid to the juice beyond what is naturally found in oranges. Some also include other nutrients. Often, additional vitamin C is added to replace the crushed in pasteurization. Additional calcium may be added. Vitamin D, not found naturally in oranges, can be added as well. Sometimes Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil are added to orange juice. Low-grade sour orange juice is also available.

FCOJ manufacturers generally use evaporators to remove much water from juice to lower their weight and reduce transportation costs. Other juice producers generally weaken the juice so it can be sold away at the end of the year.

Because the process removes the different aroma compounds that give the orange juice a fresh flavor, the manufacturer then adds these compounds back in a proprietary mixture, called a "flavored packet", to enhance flavor and to ensure consistency throughout the year. taste. The compound in the flavored packaging comes from the orange peel. Manufacturers did not mention the addition of flavor packets to the orange juice label.

Orange type

Common orange juice made from sweet oranges. Different cultivars (eg, Valencia, Hamlin) have different properties, and a producer can mix cultivar juice to get the desired flavor. Orange juice usually varies between orange and yellow color, although some of the varieties of ruby ​​â € <â €

Citrus Blood is a mutant of sweet oranges. Blood orange juice is popular in Italy and Hellas, but may be hard to find elsewhere. Mandarin oranges and clementine and tangerine varieties, good for juice and often used for sparkling juice drinks.

Recently, many brands of organic orange juice have been available in the market.

Orange Juice Spritzer Recipe | Taste of Home
src: cdn3.tmbi.com

Processing and producing

Producing frozen orange juice

Processing orange juice saturated orange juice begins by testing citrus fruits to ensure safe quality for the process. Then the fruit is cleaned and washed clean and the orange oil is taken from orange peel. Furthermore, the juice is extracted from the oranges and filtered to remove the seeds and large pieces of slurry. The juice is then heated to 190 to 200 ° F to deactivate the natural enzymes found in the juice. The concentration step occurs in a high vacuum evaporator where the water content in the juice evaporates while the sugar juice compounds and the solids are concentrated. Vacuum evaporator is a low temperature falling film mechanism, operating at temperatures between 60 and 80 ° F. Evaporators work continuously in fresh juice added as the concentrate is being removed constantly. The concentration process increases the soluble solid part of the juice from 12 ° Brix to 60-70 ° Brix.

The concentrated juice is stored in a cold wall tank and stored at or below 35 ° F to prevent browning and the development of undesirable flavors. Furthermore, a small amount of fresh juice is added to the concentrated juice to restore the natural and fresh flavor of the orange juice that has been lost through the concentration process. Special cold squeezed orange oil is used to restore lost aroma and a volatile flavor. After the addition of fresh juice, the brix content decreases to 42Ã, Â ° F. Fresh juice is called the cut-back in the industry and attributes up to 7-10% of total juice. Orange peel oil is also added if the oil content is below the required level. The concentrate is then further cooled in a continuous cold or cold wall tank up to 20 ° to 25 ° F. Concentrate is canned using a steam injection method to sterilize the lid and develop a vacuum in the can. The cans then end up in a final freeze where they are delivered on a hollow belt in an air burst at -40 ° F. After freezing, the product is stored at 0 ° F in the refrigerated warehouse.

Making "not of concentrate"

Single power orange juice (SSOJ) can be either "not from concentrate" (juice) orange juice or re-formed juice from the concentrate by adding water to achieve a certain single strength brix level. SSOJ processing also begins with the selection of oranges. The most common types of oranges used to produce orange juice are pineapple oranges, Valencia oranges, and oranges Navel from Florida and California. Production journey begins when oranges are delivered to processing plants by trucks holding around 35,000 to 40,000 pounds of fruit. The fruit is dismantled at the factory for inspection and is assessed to remove unsuitable fruit before the orange enters the storage area. An automated sampling device removes oranges to determine the solids of acid and dissolved solids. The waste bin is arranged based on the ratio of the dissolved solids to the acid to the orange mixture suitable to produce the juice with a uniform taste. After the fruit leaves the trash, they are rubbed with a detergent on the brush washer and then rinsed with potable water. Throughout the processing phase, there are many points with facilities that inspect oranges and dispose of damaged fruit.

The oranges then pass through the conveyor roller, which exposes all sides of the fruit. Roller conveyors are built efficiently because they are well lit, installed at a comfortable height, and wide to ensure all the inspectors can reach the fruit to determine the deficiencies. Some of the reasons fruit may be rejected include indications of fungus, decay, and ruptured skin. After that, oranges are separated by size through the machine before juice extraction. There are a number of different ways the orange juice industry leaders extract their oranges. Some common methods include dividing the two pieces and pressing/reaming the oranges to extract the juice from the oranges. One instrument inserts the tube through the orange peel and forces the juice out through the tube by pressing the whole orange. Although various machines are used to extract juice, all machines have in common that they are rugged, fast, easy to clean and have the ability to reduce skin extract into the juice. The extracted juice products do not contain orange peel, but may contain pulp and seeds, which are removed by the finishers.

The finish has a screw-type design consisting of a cone-covered helical screw enclosed in a cylindrical screen with a perforated size of 0.020-0.045 inches. After that, orange juice so flows through the mixing tank in which the juice is tested for solids of acid and dissolved solids. At this stage, sugar can be added to the juice depending on whether the product will be a sweet or unsweetened drink. After mixing, deionized orange juice in which air is introduced into the juice during extraction. Benefits of dehydration include foaming removal, which improves uniformity can fill and improve regarding heat exchanger efficiency. Orange peel oil is essential for maximum taste, but according to US standards for Filled Canned Juice Classes, 0.03% of recoverable oil is allowed. Deoiling through the use of vacuum distillation is the mechanism used to regulate the amount of skin oil in the juice. The condensate separates the oil and the aqueous distillate, which is returned to the juice.

The next step is one of the most vital in processing orange juice. Pasteurization is important in destroying natural enzymes associated with juice deterioration. Pectinesterase is known for its deteriorative activity in orange juice. In the pasteurization process, juice is generally rapidly heated to 197 ° F for about 40 seconds. Some industry leaders use flash pasteurization, performed by tubular or plated heat exchangers. To prevent overheating, turbulent flow is essential for rapid heating of the juice. The can is filled with pasteurized juice and reversed immediately to allow juice to sterilize the inside of the lid. The stuffed orange juice can be sealed and cooled to 90 to 100 ° F by spinning on a conveyor belt under cold water spray. The quality of storage is determined by time and temperature. Juice should be stored at cold temperatures to prevent damage.

How To Make Fresh Orange Juice Quickly - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Standard and rules

Regulations in Canada

For the Canadian market, orange juice should be fruit juice obtained from clean, sound, and mature oranges. The juice should also contain a minimum of 1.20 milliequivalents of free amino acids per 100 milliliters, containing at least 115 milligrams of potassium per 10 milliliters, and has a minimum absorbance value for the total polyphenols of 0.380. Sweeteners such as sugar, inverted sugar, dextrose or glucose solids can be added. The orange juice should have a Brix readings of at least 9.7, excluding sweetening, and containing between 0.5 and 1.8 percent of the acid based on the weight calculated as anhydrous citrate acid. The essence of citrus is added, orange oil and orange pulp adjusted in accordance with good manufacturing practices permitted. Orange juice is also permitted to contain sugar, inverted sugar, dextrose in dry form, glucose solids, Class II preservatives, amylase, cellulase and pectinase.

Rules in the United States

In the United States, orange juice is regulated and standardized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) from the US Department of Health and Human Services. According to the FDA, orange juice from the concentrate is a mixture of water with frozen orange juice or concentrated orange juice for manufacture. Additives into the mixture may include fresh/frozen/pasteurized orange juice from ripe oranges, orange oil, and orange juice. Furthermore, one or more of the following optional sweeteners may be added: sugar, sugar syrup, inverted sugar, inverted sugar syrup, dextrose, corn syrup, dried corn syrup, glucose syrup, and dry glucose syrup. Orange juice should contain a Brix level of at least 11.8, which indicates the percentage of orange juice soluble solids, excluding additional sweeteners.

Regulations in the United Kingdom

In the UK, the orange juice from the concentrate is a concentrated fruit juice product with the addition of water. The flavor or pulp lost from orange juice during the initial concentration process can be recovered in the finished product to be equivalent to the average type of orange juice of the same type. Any recovered flavor or dregs must come from the same orange species. Sugar can be added to orange juice to regulate the sour taste or sweetener, but it should not exceed 150g per liter of orange juice. Across the UK, the final orange juice of the concentrate product should contain a minimum level of Brix of 11.2, excluding additional sweeteners. Vitamins and minerals may be added to orange juice in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1925/2006.

Touloulou Bar and Restaurant | Bar Menu and Beverages
src: touloulourestaurant.com

Physical and chemical properties

Molecular composition

At the molecular level, orange juice consists of organic acids, sugars, and phenolic compounds. The major organic acids found in orange juice are citric acid, malic acid, and ascorbate. The main sugars found in orange juice are sucrose, glucose, and fructose. There are about 13 phenolic compounds in orange juice including hydroxycinnamic acid, flavanon, hydroxybenzoic acid, hesperidin, narirutin, and ferulic acid.

Cloud composition

Clouds are part of suspended particles that range in size from 0.05 micrometers to several hundred micrometers in orange juice. Clouds are responsible for some sensory attributes in orange juice including color, aroma, texture, and flavor. Continuous media from clouds consists of sugar, pectin, and organic acid solutions while scattered substances are formed through cellular tissues that are boosted in fruit processing. In particular, turbidity of the juice is caused by pectin, protein, lipids, hemicellulose, cellulose, hesperidin, chromoplastids, amorphous particles, and oil bubbles. In particular the chemical composition of the cloud comprises 4.5-32% pectin, 34-52% protein, 25% lipid, 5.7% nitrogen, 2% hemicellulose, 2% ash, and less than 2% cellulose.

Physical structure

Orange juice is a suspension consisting of heterogeneous particles in clear serum. Serum is a clear supernatant after deposition of the cloud through centrifugation. The previously mentioned clouds represent a large part of the suspension.

If the suspension in orange juice is unstable, the cloud particles may fluctuate causing the suspension to break down physically. Clouds can break and orange juice will clarify if the suspension becomes unstable. The activity of methyl esterase pectin increases the interaction between pectin and the cloud protein, which causes protein-pectin flocculation. The insoluble material of clumps of clouds is in a condition above 70 ° C and at pH 3-4 where proteins agglomerate and flocculate. Clocculation of clouds is increased at pH 3.5 and can produce clarification, which is not desirable in orange juice.

The suspension is unstable when zeta potential is less than 25 mv in magnitude. The Zeta Potential is a measure of the magnitude of electrostatic forces among particles, which affects repulsion, and the attraction between particles. Low zeta values ​​indicate that repulsive forces will not be able to overcome the van der waals attraction between cloud particles and thus begin to clump. Agglomeration of cloud particles will prevent the characteristics of free flow, which is important in the juice. High zeta potential will inhibit particle particle agglomeration and keep flow free properties and uniform dispersion in orange juice.

The adsorbed oil granules to the cloud particles stabilize the suspension by decreasing the average particle density to make it closer to the serum. However, large amounts of oil can be a problem because it causes total damage to the suspension by causing the cloud particles to float to the surface. The particles in the cloud have a decreasing negative charge with a decrease in pH. In accordance with the stability of the cloud, particle hydration is more important than their electrical charge.

Heat treatment

When the orange juice is heated, there is an increase in the number of fine particles and the decline of coarse particles. Fine particles are especially responsible for the appearance, color, and aroma of orange juice. Heat treatment plays an important role in pulp volume, cloud stability, serum turbidity, and serum viscosity. The heat treatment stabilizes the clouds through enzyme inactivation and improves cloud formation of stable clouds. The increase in serum viscosity is due to the extraction of the pectic substance into the serum. Under Stoke's law, increased serum viscosity is the cause of increased cloud stability. With respect to the pulp volume, the pulp from the hot juice is smoother and more compact than the unheated, thick and fluffy juice of the juice.

Pulp properties

In orange juice, pulp is responsible for the nature of flow, flavor, taste, and taste of mouth desired. However, tangerine juice precipitates based on levels depending on diameter, density, and viscosity of suspended particles as well as suspending juice. To remain suspended in orange juice, the pulp particle must have an appropriate particle size, charge, and specific gravity. Depending on the type of treatment method, the pulp particle size ranges from 2 to 5 millimeters. Those smaller than 2mm are known to be more stable, making it very useful to reduce particle size by inserting hydrochlores into juice products. Hydrocolloid will decrease the rate of sediment formation and decrease the pulp particle degradation rate.


Hydrocolloids are long-chain polymers that form viscous dispersions and gels when scattered in water. They have a number of functional properties in food products including emulsifier, thickening, coating, gel formation, and stabilization. The main reason hydrocolloids used in food is their ability to modify the rheology of food systems. Hydrocolloids impact viscosity through flow behavior and mechanical solid properties such as texture. Some common hydrocolloids used to stabilize juice products include Magellan, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, xanthan, guar gum, and Arab gum. The above mentioned hydrocolloids are commonly used in the production of orange juice and are often referred to as synthetic hydrocolloids. Pectin is a hydrocolloid found in natural orange juice.

Pectin Properties

Pectin is a polymeric soluble ingredient in an orange pulp, containing 75% carboxyl from arabinose and galactose. Pectic compounds are complex heteropolysaccharides in their chemical composition including axial-axial chain structure? -1,4-linked d-galacturonic acid unit along with L-rhamnose region blocks that have arabinose, galactose and xylose side chains. Pectin methyl-esterase is an enzyme responsible for hydrolyzing carboxymethyl ester and liberating free carboxyl and methyl alcohol groups. The carboxyl group freely interacts with the cation to form a divalent metal ion complexes of insoluble pektonic acid. This metal ion complex settles in the juice and carries all the colloids in orange juice with it. Enzymes will flocculate cloud and clarify orange juice. So, to keep the orange cloud intact, it is important to disable pectinesterase. Pectinesterase was inactivated by heating the juice for 1 minute at 90 ° C.

Pectin interactions

The behavior of the pectin solution is strongly influenced by a number of factors including hydrogen bonding, ionic characters, and hydrophobic characters. The hydrogen bond is preferable when the pH is less than pKa while the ionic character is preferred when the pH is greater than pKa. The ionic character depends on free carboxyl content, the presence of cations, and is favored in high water activity. The repelation charges together with the presence of neutral side chains are essential in inhibiting the intermolecular relationship between pectin molecules. The content of methyl esters in orange juice determines the hydrophobic character, which is preferred at low water activity.

There is a specific interaction between pectin and hesperidine through the sugar moieties in the hesperidin molecule. Through acid hydrolysis, rhamnose and glucose moieties are removed from hesperidin, which breaks the interaction between hesperidin and pectin. The hydrogen bond plays a role in the specific interaction of neutral sugar from pectin and the sugar portion of hesperidin. A polymer having a high structural content of neutral sugar branches interacts with hesperidin more closely and strongly than the low content of neutral sugar branches. The interaction between pectin and hesperidin is one factor that allows the colloidal suspension in orange juice to be stable.

orange juice - Stress Buster
src: www.naukrinama.com

See also

  • Juice list

Strawberry Orange Juice Recipe - Southern Living
src: img1.southernliving.timeinc.net


5 Benefits of Orange Juice for Your Health - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Further reading

  • Alissa Hamilton: Squeezed: What You Do not Know about Orange Juice , Yale Agrarian Studies, 2010, ISBNÃ, 0-300-16455-6

Carrots & Fennel Baked In Orange Juice & Honey Recipe | Woolworths
src: cdn0.woolworths.media

External links

  • Orange juice production Production process and the difference between juice products
  • Short film clips of orange juice processing from 1968. From State & amp; Archives of Florida
  • Natural orange juice processing Processing natural orange juice industry

Source of the article : Wikipedia
