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The Twelve Tribes | Community in Oneonta
src: twelvetribes.org

The Twelve Tribes , formerly known as Vine Christian Community Community , Northeast Kingdom Community Church the Messianic Communities , and Apostolic Community Order is an international confederation of religious communities founded by Gene Spriggs (now known as Yoneq) that emerged from the Jesus Movement in 1972 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This group is an attempt to recreate the church of the 1st century in the Book of Acts; the name "Twelve Tribes" also comes from the quotation of the Apostle Paul in Acts 26: 7. This group has also been referred to as the Yellow Deli people and informally as the Community .

Video Twelve Tribes communities


The origins of the Twelve Tribal movement can be traced to a ministry for teenagers called the "Light Brigade" in 1972. The ministry operates in a small coffee shop called "The Lighthouse" at the home of Gene Spriggs and his wife Marsha. The Light Brigade began to live communally and opened a restaurant called "The Yellow Deli" while attending several churches, before deciding on the First Presbyterian Church. The Light Brigade, while at First Presbyterian, causes friction with the stand by bringing anyone who is willing to go with them, including members of different social classes and racial groups, a practice not involved at the time. On January 12, 1975, the entourage arrived at First Presbyterian only to find out that the service had been canceled for the Super Bowl; for groups, this is an act that can not be tolerated and it makes them form The Vine Christian Community Church. During this time, the churches "planted" the churches, each with its own Yellow Deli, in Dalton and Trenton, Georgia; Mentone, Alabama; and Dayton, Tennessee.

Their withdrawal from the mainstream of religion changed what became friction-filled relations in protest against them. They started holding their own service, which they called the "Critical Mass" at Warner Park, appointing elders and baptizing people outside the denominational authority. The relationship between the worsening group and the religious and secular Chattanooga community drew the attention of the Parent Committee to Liberate Our Children from God's Children and the Citizenship Freedom Foundation that branded the church as a "sect" and attacked Spriggs cruelly as a cult. leader. This leads to what the group calls today the "Greedy Cults" in the late seventies. A series of deprogram programs began in the summer of 1976 by Ted Patrick. The group continues to ignore the negative pressures and the wider world in general, and continue to operate its business to open the local Areopagus and local Yellow Deli in downtown Chattanooga. In 1978, an invitation was received from a small church in Island Pond, Vermont for Spriggs to serve there; the offer was rejected but the group began to move gradually to the rural town, naming the church there the Northeast Kingdom Community Church. One of Patrick's last deprogramming cases in Chattanooga occurred in 1980; it involved a police detective who, according to Swantko, asked his 27-year-old daughter to be arrested by a fake warrant to facilitate his deprogramming, with the support of local judges. The group continues to move, closing all the Yellow Delis and related churches except those in Dalton. At one point, a leader admitted that the group was deeply indebted before closing the Dalton church and moving the last member to Vermont.

The move to Vermont, combined with the initial period of economic hardship, caused some members to leave. The Citizen's Freedom Foundation held several meetings at Barton to attract the attention of the group. The Citizen's Freedom Foundation has made allegations of mind control in Chattanooga, but now it makes allegations of child abuse. In 1983, the indictment was filed against Charles "Eddie" Wiseman (an elder in the group) for mild minor attacks; This, combined with some cases of child custody, forms the basis for a search warrant. On June 22, 1984 the Vermont State Police and Vermont Social Rehabilitation Service seized 112 children; all released on the same day because the attack was considered unconstitutional. Because what the group feels is a big misconception about the events and concerns that lead to and around the attack, its members begin formal relationships with their neighbors. Two months after the attack, the case against Wiseman fell apart after the main witness retracted, saying he was under pressure from the nonviolent movement. The case was later repealed in 1985 after a judge ruled that Wiseman had been denied the right to a speedy trial. Public defender Eddie Wiseman, Jean Swantko, who had been present during the attack, later joined and married Wiseman.

In 1989, the church was widely accepted on Pond Island and grew substantially during the 1980s and 1990s, opening branches in several different countries, including Canada, Australia, Brazil, Spain, Germany, Argentina and the United Kingdom. During this phase of expansion, the group uses the Messianic Community name, before deciding to rename itself The Twelve Tribes. During the mid-2000s (decades), the group remained controversial, with child labor accusations, custodial disorders, and illegal homeschooling. In 2006 the group held a reunion for members and friends of the Vine Christian Community Church and former Yellow Deli in Warner Park, announcing a new community in Chattanooga. The movement began opening a new Yellow Deli in 2008, almost 30 years after leaving Chattanooga.

Maps Twelve Tribes communities

Confidence and practice

The Twelve Beliefs resemble Christian fundamentalism, the Hebrew Roots movement, Messianic Judaism and the Holy Name Movement; but the group believes that all denominations have fallen, and therefore refuse to adapt to any denomination or movement. They believe that in order for the messiah to return, the Church needs to be restored to its original form seen in Acts 2: 38-42 and Acts 4: 32-37. This restoration is not only the restoration of the church of the 1st century, but the creation of a new Israel consisting of Twelve Tribes in twelve geographical regions. Part of this restoration was his comeback to observe the Sabbath, defending some of the Mosaic laws including dietary laws, and festivals. This interpretation of the prophesied Israelian reconciliation, combined with the perceived immorality in the world leads the group to believe that the end of time has come, even though no date has been set.

One important aspect of this group is his insistence on using the name "Yahshua", which is contrary to Jesus. Since the name "Yahushua" represents the nature of Jesus, the group also assigns to each member the Hebrew name that is meant to reflect the personality of the individual.

The group believes there are Three Eternal Destinies . He believed that after the Fall they were given a conscience; and that after death everyone went to a state called death (in Hebrew Sheol and Greek Hades) regardless of faith. After the second coming, believers will be brought back for a thousand years to rule with "Yahshua" before the final judgment. At the end of this millennium, all unbelievers will be judged according to their deeds and put in one of two groups: the righteous and the unjust. The dirty and the unrighteous will be sent to the Lake of Fire while the righteous will go to eternity and fill the universe.

Inner leadership is structured as a series of Boards composed of local councils, regional councils, and global Apostolic Council; the group is also overseen in these councils by a number of teachers, deacons, deacons, elders, and apostles who are liquid. Gene Spriggs is highly regarded as the first person to open his home to brothers and sisters, but members state that he is not considered a spiritual figure.

The group operates as a 501 (d) - "non-profit organization with a religious and public treasury purpose." People pay property taxes, but the 501d structure tends to result in no income tax liability.

Community dating involves a "waiting period" in which a man or woman expresses their desire to get to know others. The couple then received input from the community while spending time together. The couple is engaged (involved) if their parents (or the whole community, if they are adults) confirm their love and compatibility; the couple were then allowed to hold hands. Marriage dramatizes the pre-enactment of what the group believes will happen at the end of time when "Yahshua" returns to earth to bride it.

Children have been noted to play a central role in group eschatological beliefs, because future generations of groups will be the "144,000" of Revelation 7. Children who study at home. In groups, adolescents can take up internships in the cottage industry group to be taught a trade complementing their education. The group uses a physical punishment with a "reed-like stick" like a balloon stick (minimum) at the bottom of the child.

Twelve Tribes Community in Winnipeg - Fellowship for Intentional ...
src: www.ic.org


From the beginning, the group sparked controversy and received unfavorable attention from the media, anti-cult and government movements. The Twelve Tribes have been cited by Stuart A. Wright as a group suffering from "Front-End/Back-End Disproportionality" in media coverage. According to Wright, the media often focuses on unproven accusations against the group, but because the allegations are scrutinized and when the cases fall apart, the media covering them is significantly less in the end than at first. Wright later asserted that this left the public with the impression that the group was guilty of false accusations.

Executive Director of the New England Religious Research Institute, Rev. Bob Pardon warned in his report that "The Messianic community, under the leadership of Spriggs, tends toward extreme authoritarianism and" the heresy of Galatia. "The tribes have responded with a line-line response to the report and they continue to face" errors, distortions, misunderstandings, and misjudgments ", while criticizing the heavy use of apostasy in its report.In France, the group was listed in Government Report 1995 by the Parliamentary Commission on the Sect in France under the name "Ordre apostolique - Therapeutic healing environment."

Twelve members of the Tribe Jean Swantko and husband Ed Wiseman have made efforts to combat social control and anti-cult movements by engaging in dialogue with former hostile members, the media and government. Swantko has presented at scientific conferences including the CESNUR Communist Studies Association and Society for the Scientific Study of Religion as well as the chapter in James T. Richardson's Governing Religions: A Case Study from Around the Globe .

Comments about Pond Island attack

Pulau Pond attacks remain prominent in the history of Vermont law; this was the subject of the Vermont Bar Association seminar in 2006. The group held anniversary events in 1994 and 2000; and produced a 75 minute documentary. The Vermont Chapter of the ACLU also criticized the attack, calling it "frightening" and "the greatest deprivation of civil liberties has occurred in Vermont's recent history." The then governor of Vermont, Richard Snelling, who had authorized the attack, reportedly withdrew "the hottest political fire of his career" within weeks after Vermont Attorney General John J. Easton, Jr. linking the attack to assist his campaign for the post of governor. In 1992, John Burchard, once State Commissioner for Social Services and Rehabilitation, and Vanessa L. Malcarne, published an article in Behavioral Sciences and the Law. , encouraging changes in the law that would allow the raids to succeed.

The doctrine of the Jews

It teaches that the Jews were guilty of the blood of Christ, quoting Matthew 27:25. Although often labeled antisemit, the group repeatedly denied these allegations. Its members keep the Sabbath and the Jewish celebrations of Pesach, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. The youth held Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah celebrations, and they regularly performed Israeli folk dances.

The doctrine of race and multiculturalism

This movement supports opposing multiculturalism and imposing racial integration, arguing that "multiculturalism increases murder, crime and prejudice". The group welcomes people of all races to visit or join and have members of Caucasian, African and Asian descent, believing them to be descendants of Noah's three sons. John Stringer, AKA "Yohannan Abraham", is a member of the Twelve African-Americans. He denies allegations that his group is racist, stating that their teachings "give my race a lot of honor and produce high self-esteem and self-esteem". He explained, "Racism is a definite problem in society at large." We do not make bones on this issue, and it is quite clear that affirmative action, reparations, and 'victim' cries are not the solution to this problem. He also stated that, "Slavery is over for those who believe and come to the Messiah, but it is not yet over for those who are outside the Messiah." The Twelve also teach that all blacks have been condemned to slaves according to Genesis 9:26, and that the only way this curse can be revoked is to join their community and be "saved" by their messiah. They claim that racially based slavery is predestined by God and that submitting to the white man is the only way to the truth for black people outside of their community.

Child splurge and homeschool controversy

In 2001, The New York Post carried articles accusing child labor violation groups; and then associate itself as pushing the investigation. The Twelve Tribes responded with a press conference at "Commonsense Agriculture" in which child labor was alleged to have occurred. The Twelve tribes reported that during a random check by Està © e Lauder Companies, the company found that some 14-year-olds were found helping their father in their home industry; this report was later confirmed by EstÃÆ'  © e Lauder that ended their contract with Common Sense products. The group's official statement at a press conference stated that they believed it was a family-owned business, and children should be able to help their parents in business while making "no apology" for it. The New York State Department of Labor states that they intend to visit all five of the Twelve Tribes business. State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer confirmed that apprenticeship is an arbitrary and illegal job. Sundance's Robert Redford catalog, which has been contracted with Common Wealth Woodworks (one of the furniture-making group industries), also ended their contract in response to the allegations. The Department of Labor found no offenses at Common Sense Farm or Commonwealth Woodworks. They did two other industries worth $ 2,000 for a 15-year-old boy who pushed a wheelbarrow and another 15-year-old who replaced the light bulb.

In Germany and France, the controversy centers on issues of homeschooling, health, child abuse, and religious freedom. The group has several times been in conflict with authorities in Germany and France over their children's homeschooling, with a very long and protracted dispute between people in Klosterzimmern, in the municipality of Deiningen, Bavaria, and Bavarian education authorities. Homeschooling is illegal in Germany, with rare exceptions. When fines and arrests fail to affect the community, the authorities grant the group the right to operate a private school in a commune, under state control. The agreement requires that schools will not teach sex education and evolution.

The Twelve Tribes | Fairfield Farm (Vancouver area)
src: twelvetribes.org

Police attack in Germany

On September 5, 2013, German police raided two communities belonging to the Twelve Tribes and transferred 40 children to protect them from alleged further abuse. The group recognizes that they use "reed sticks like sticks" for discipline, but deny abusing their children.

The religious sociologist Susan Palmer points out that doctors did not find evidence of mistreatment in September 2013 after police raids.

The Twelve Tribes | We are the commonwealth of Israel... we have a ...
src: www.twelvetribes.com


Twelve tribes use operations and moving vehicles to evangelize at various events.

  • Peacemaker Marine - A barquentine A-class sailing boat purchased and restored by a sailing group on the East coast of the United States. The group is now giving tours and evangelizing at the harbor.
  • Peacemaker I & amp; II Bus
  • First Aid Tents are prepared at various events by the group.

The Twelve Tribes | Preserved Seed Farm in Czech
src: twelvetribes.org

See also

  • Anabaptism
  • Exclusive Brethren
  • Jehovah's Witnesses

Twelve Tribes - Preserved Seed Farm/Uchované Semínko - Fellowship ...
src: www.ic.org


The Twelve Tribes | Community in Plymouth
src: twelvetribes.org

External links

Movement Link
  • Twelve Tribes website
  • Documentary Film "Raid Pond Island Children: A Flourishing Culture" on Raid Pool Island on Twelve Tribes YouTube Channel
Critical Twelve Tribes
  • The Twelve Report by the New England Institute for Religious Research
  • Cultural Education: Twelve Tribes

Source of the article : Wikipedia
